Country music is known for it's drinkin' in bars, dramatic divorces, and sappy love songs with a twang. This one by Kenny Chesney gets the tear rolling down my face every time.
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
Wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
I see your smile, I see your face
I hear your laugh' in the rain
I still can't believe you're gone
It ain't fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I've been through
Just knowing, no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder, who you'd be today
Would you chase your dreams
Settle down with a family
I wonder what would you name your babies
Some days the sky's so blue
I feel like I can talk to you
And I know it might sound crazy
It ain't fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I've been through
Just knowing, no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder, who you'd be today
Today, Today, Today...
Today, Today, Today...
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
The only thing that gives me hope
Is I know, I'll see you again someday
Someday, Someday...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I love you Jack and I wonder who you'd be today. Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet boy.
Loving and missing you with all my heart,
* * *
February 21, 2007
Born into this world at 3:07 am
5 ounces; 8 inches long
Monica love ya girl take care of yourself..thinking and praying for you all.and I am crying with you..hugs...
Thinking of you and Jack. What a heartbreaking song.
Thinking of you all today. We love you. Jack is in our thoughts today and always.
Thinking of your "hole" family today. Sending you lots of hugs and prayers for strength.
Thank you for the song. I love it. Perfect.
Thinking of you and your family today. That song is so powerful...
That is a son that gets me everytime too.
I'll be praying for you today.
I'm thinking of you all and sending lots of love today.
Happy birthday sweet Jack!
Certain lyrics always seem to get to me.
Thinking of you all. I'm e-mailing you right now pictures of what I've done for Jack today.
i've been thinking about you and Jack all day.
Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!
Remembering Sweet Jack today....
Your post made me cry. Thinking of you and sweet Jack today.
I've been thinking of you and your family today. Happy Birthday Jack!
I had computer problems yesterday, I thought my comment was saved.
I lit a candle for Jack and thought of you & Mr. H and Jack & Sam. I wish it were different.
Thank oyu for sharing the song. It is so appropriate for our lost babies and other friends who died too young.
Hugs....late hugs, but hugs nonetheless.
I tagged you for the Honest scrap meme. Come on over to get the instructions!
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