Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Couple Blogs To Visit

Please take a moment to view these two blogs.

Froggy Baby just welcomed her new love (Connor) into this world. Stop by to say hello and see how cute he is. He has a ton of hair!

Also, I'm concerned about this person. I visit her blog often and frequently leave comments, until now. If you read back a little into her blog, you can start to understand why this concerns me. I don't know what "further repercussions" means and I really don't want to either. Since you can't leave a comment on her blog, just come back here so you can worry along with me...

Hope everyone is having a great weekend- it's beautiful outside!


Mrs. Collins said...

WTF? I thought the same thing too when I read that. I have her email so I may shoot her an email to see if she's ok. Also, I had a post from her on bloglines that no longer appears on her site.

And isn't Froggy mama's news awesome!! That's why people should me monitored closely, and when you are in that situation, remember to tell Dr. Berry this story.

Erica said...

That baby is so cute.I don't understand what happened on the other blog...Let us know if you find out anything.

Rachel said...

I am worried about her too. I also saw the post that is now removed. I would have e-mailed her, but I don't have the address. I am curious if it has anything to do with the password protected posts from awhile back (I have a password but couldn't get it to work that day). Please tell me if you learn anything about her situation.

Anonymous said...

sounds to me like "the man" is pissed about the blog and any mention of him in it??

That's why mine has no idea, and I doubt he'd care or ever read it, he rarely gets online anyway.